God is doing incredible things through Calvary and we love that you're a part of it. It’s not about fancy buildings or getting bigger. It’s about Jesus—and his transforming power. It's about making an impact in our communities and across the world. That's why we do what we do. And that's what your giving supports.
For over two decades, our charge at Calvary has been to build a church without walls. The church is not a building. It’s not an address. It’s the people.
For 20 years, we’ve been building people, people who love Jesus, love each other and love our neighbors, locally and globally.
So what's NEXT for Calvary? Our 2030 Vision.
It is our vision to be part of a movement to see the number of Jesus-Apprentices in Central PA DOUBLE BY 2030 and in the process catalyzing an epic release of leaders.
Join us in asking for More.
Every donation, no matter the size, makes a difference. We believe that Jesus calls us to radical generosity, so we give out of the gladness of our hearts.
Go to calvaryglobalkids.org to sponsor a child and set up giving.
We're here to help! Contact us at finance@calvarysc.org
Manage your one-time or recurring gifts here online.
NOTICE: We recently transitioned to a new giving platform. Please reach out to our team if you have any questions
You can also give in-person when you join us for worship.